Customizable Grid System
It's the customized grid girdle system that most sets metal grid display racks apart from their competitors. One of the line's big selling points is this design innovation, which allows for retailers to increase or decrease the distance (and number) between holes in their lattice-support web--to accommodate just about any product form and arrangement whatsoever. Whether hanging clothes or strewn with small articles, the "flexibility" of these displays fits human needs as well as aesthetics. That advantage also allows the brick-and-mortar retailer to make good use of all available space, as most modern fixtures are organic displays constructed entirely from scratch. On the other hand, when it comes time to, for example, toss around holiday messages or pop in a 3-minute video window on television show days and nights around Christmas, a retailer can ski meaning beautiful rows quickly all over--but center )_^(backwards row layout awaits them accordingly.